Main > Support stories > The story of eleven year old Karina
Case study on children's support groups
"A cup of hot tea for the soul"
"A cup of hot tea for the soul," Anna (name changed), mother of 11 year old Karina (name changed), said of the support group. The girl has been attending the support group for children aged 10-11 for a year.
When the war started, Anna was forced to leave for Poland with her two children. Her nervousness, agitation, and stress only increased. A new country, the unknown, uncertainty. The mother, who was not in the best psychological condition herself, could not support her daughter well and pay enough attention to her.
"Of course, there were problems and difficulties - a new school, a new language, a new environment, it was difficult. It so happened that in Poland, my daughter communicated with children, Ukrainians, who had been living there for quite some time. And they could not understand her condition, and she could not share with them her experience, emotions from evacuation, war, etc. That's why I really wanted my daughter to be helped, so that she could communicate in a familiar environment."
Anna has had her own therapy with a psychologist. So when she found out from Olga Tovpeko's Instagram (she has been a follower for many years) about the opening of support groups, she had no doubt whether to give her daughter to them or not. "I didn't have that final push because I had been thinking about it for a long time. I realized that Olha Tovpeko would not hire bad psychologists. She is very demanding. That's why I calmly sent Karina to the group."
"During the war, when the emotional situation is so unstable, it is very good when someone can support children. To create an environment where they can talk about their difficulties, challenges, fears and everything in their hearts. To communicate with peers with the same experience. Of course, a lot depends on the leaders in the group. We are lucky - our child psychologist Lesya is very qualified, and we want to trust our children.
My strongest impression is that the child always leaves the group in a very good mood. In such a cheerful and at the same time calm, balanced state. She is not exalted, there is no excitement, but at the same time she is in a good mood. I am very impressed by this, it's nice to see it.
Karina herself does not share her impressions very much. At the very beginning, when I explained to her the rules of working with a psychologist online, we agreed that she could tell me nothing only if she wanted to. Also, parents are not allowed to enter the room while their child is in the group. Of course, as a mother, I am very curious, and from time to time I still ask my daughter what she liked, what you talked about, what you did. Karina doesn't talk much, and I don't insist. But the main thing is that she always says that she liked the class and will continue to attend.
I would like to add that attending a group is not a magic pill, it will not solve all your problems. But it seems to me that it gives a kind of internal support. For example, Karina, unlike in other classes, remembers when she has a support group. She has become more responsible. Even if she has a choice between studying in the group or going for a walk, she chooses the support group.
I also see that in the group Karina has gained a different experience of communication with her peers. We have some problems with this because she is a very emotional girl. So she can quarrel, have conflicts, be offended. And here she learns how to solve some problems without conflicts, because there is a moderator who gives her suggestions. In addition, in the group they can throw out all their emotions, anger, tension, and anxiety. It means a lot to me when a child comes out calm and in a good mood."
Anna believes: "Register your child in a support group is the least you can do for them. It seems like a small help, but step by step, drop by drop, and you already have internal support, better behavior, better child's health and emotional state.
Personally, I would advise everyone to attend a support group, both adults and children, because it is a contribution to personal happiness, a step towards harmony. First of all, the psychologists are qualified, the communication is friendly and very correct, this is a place where no one will hurt either the child or you.
My opinion is that you shouldn't expect a miracle, that the group will solve all problems, but it's like a cup of hot tea for the soul. I'm sure it's better to take time for yourself than to exhaust yourself further."
If you feel that your child needs support, if you observe changes in their behavior, mood and emotional state, we recommend that you pay attention to support groups for children.
You can find the schedule and topics of the groups in the Support Groups for Children section. If you still have any questions, feel free to write to us by mail or in the direct mail of our Instagram profile, and we will be happy to help.