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Main > Support groups for children > Children of warriors


Project of psychological support for children of military personnel ages 7 to 15


Project of psychological support for children of military personnel ages 7 to 15


Project of psychological support for childrenof military personnel ages 7 to 15

What challenges do children of military personnel face?

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    Fear for the life and health of a relative who serves

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    Uncertainty, inability to plan for the future

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    Separation and absence of a father or mother in everyday life

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    Loss of the usual way of life, and sometimes home and environment in cases of relocation or change of daily routines due to the service of one of the parents

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    Contrast with civilian families - different experiences can cause a feeling of “Something is wrong with me”

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    Overload for the remaining parent - many responsibilities, own emotions of the caring adult can take away resources needed to support the child

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    More challenging to go through development stages, due to changes in living conditions and family structure

What challenges do children of military personnel face?

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    Fear for the life and health of a relative who serves

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    Uncertainty, inability to plan for the future

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    Separation and absence of a father or mother in everyday life

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    Loss of the usual way of life, and sometimes home and environment in cases of relocation or change of daily routines due to the service of one of the parents

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    Contrast with civilian families - different experiences can cause a feeling of “Something is wrong with me”

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    Overload for the remaining parent - many responsibilities, own emotions of the caring adult can take away resources needed to support the child

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    More challenging to go through development stages, due to changes in living conditions and family structure

What challenges do children of military personnel face?

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    Fear for the life and health of a relative who serves

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    Uncertainty, inability to plan for the future

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    Separation and absence of a father or mother in everyday life

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    Loss of the usual way of life, and sometimes home and environment in cases of relocation or change of daily routines due to the service of one of the parents

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    Contrast with civilian families - different experiences can cause a feeling of “Something is wrong with me”

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    Overload for the remaining parent - many responsibilities, own emotions of the caring adult can take away resources needed to support the child

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    More challenging to go through development stages, due to changes in living conditions and family structure

How to support military children?

We, the NGO Important, are launching the CHILDREN OF WARRIORS project.


This is a three-month program of the psychological support via online groups, where children will be able to:

    meet weekly with other children with similar experiences;
    share their experiences and concerns in a safe space;
    reduce their stress related to a close relative's military service;
    feel that they are not alone;
    learn self-regulation and self-help techniques;
    develop communication and resilience skills;
    strengthen self-esteem, and internal support.

How to support military children?

We, the NGO Important, are launching the CHILDREN OF WARRIORS project.


This is a three-month program of the psychological support via online groups, where children will be able to:

    meet weekly with other children with similar experiences;
    share their experiences and concerns in a safe space;
    reduce their stress related to a close relative's military service;
    feel that they are not alone;
    learn self-regulation and self-help techniques;
    develop communication and resilience skills;
    strengthen self-esteem, and internal support.

How do the groups work?

During the group sessions, children will engage in the following activities: mental health and psychological exercises, drawing, sculpting, playing, studying emotions, comprehending their inner feelings, practice communication skills.

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    Online meetings with the camera turned on

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    Saturday - morning hours
    Weekdays - evening hours
    Frequency - once a week

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    7-8 people in the group

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    1 hour

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    3 months or 12 meetings

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    The facilitators are child psychologists who have an extensive psychological practice and have also received additional training as facilitators of children's groups for military children

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How do the groups work?

During the group sessions, children will engage in the following activities: mental health and psychological exercises, drawing, sculpting, playing, studying emotions, comprehending their inner feelings, practice communication skills.

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    Meetings are held online in Zoom or Google Meet

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    The frequency is once a week

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    UP TO 10

    The number of people in the group is up to 10

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    The duration of the meeting is 1 hour

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    The duration of the project is 4 months, or 16 meetings

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    The facilitators are child psychologists who have an extensive psychological practice and have also received additional training as facilitators of children's groups for military children

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How do the groups work?

During the group sessions, children will engage in the following activities: mental health and psychological exercises, drawing, sculpting, playing, studying emotions, comprehending their inner feelings, practice communication skills.

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    Meetings are held online in Zoom or Google Meet

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    The frequency is once a week

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    UP TO 10

    The number of people in the group is up to 10

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    The duration of the meeting is 1 hour

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    The duration of the project is 4 months, or 16 meetings

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    The facilitators are child psychologists who have an extensive psychological practice and have also received additional training as facilitators of children's groups for military children

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Is there any support for parents?

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Yes, we work closely with parents within the project and provide the following:

    meetings for parents throughout the project duration;

    assessment of children's emotional states to offer parents recommendations on supporting their children;

    psychologist's support available through chat for parents;

    sharing information about the group's activities on social media while adhering to confidentiality obligations;

    provision of educational information regarding child psychology and adjustments within the family due to the service of one of its members.

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Is there any support for parents? 

Yes, we work closely with parents within the project and provide the following:

    meetings for parents throughout the project duration;

    assessment of children's emotional states to offer parents recommendations on supporting their children;

    psychologist's support available through chat for parents;

    sharing information about the group's activities on social media while adhering to confidentiality obligations;

    provision of educational information regarding child psychology and adjustments within the family due to the service of one of its members.

Join the COMMUNITY of Parents of Children of Warriors.

You can also get support in our PARENT SUPPORT CHAT.




"My daughter has become more open about her fears. It was very useful to be in a group of children who are going through similar experiences. I saw that she enjoyed the classes, she always wanted to study. She began to read something about emotions more often. I am incredibly grateful for the project. It was an important part of our lives during these weeks. It also made me feel better that she waswas getting additional help and knowledge from experts."



"Thank you for the opportunity to take part in the support group! My son began to talk more about some of his childhood fears and preferences, became more open. Yes, he still has anxiety, but it is less pronounced, and it has become much easier for him to stay home alone (before the classes it was a problem). And it was especially easier for me, knowing that consistently once a week my child receives gentle support, which, whatever one may say, is different from what I can give him personally. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart."



"I support all mothers. The project is very wonderful and important for our children. I also noticed positive changes in my child. He wants more. Or at least individual consultations.P.S. She said that mum is a psychologist, but that's not true. You have your own clients, and I need my own psychologist."



"I am sincerely and infinitely grateful for the great work you are doing! To be honest, I was a little sceptical at first,as my child is quite withdrawn and difficult to talk to, the changes we have received are a great achievement! My child received incredible support, started to cry even less for his dad, began to make contact more, to share something. After each meeting, I had a lot of positive impressions and every time I counted the days until the next session). Thank you once again."



"My son was looking forward to every lesson. He used to tell me what happened during the week. He also talked to the children outside the classroom. He said that these kids are just like him: that is, fathers are at war. Because in our social circle, most of the fathers are at home. He asked me to see if there was an opportunity to join again. And I am very grateful to Natalia.She was able to create an environment for the children where they felt comfortable. And thank you for the meeting of the parents."



"My child received support, a place where she felt part of aof a group, felt important, which is quite difficult to feel, when adapting to life in a foreign country. This opportunity to takeparticipation in the programme balanced the internal state of constant emotional swings a little bit. It's a pity that our group's programme is over. I am grateful for your help! I don't know how you did it, but previous attempts to work with a psychologist did not work, and here it is the other way round."



"Thank you very much for the energy, time and inspiration you have given to the children. Sofia loved the classes very much, now she is sad and says she will she's going to miss it. Thanks to your work, she started to talk to me more about her emotions (because she understands what they are), and she asks me more it's normal for her to feel this or that and what other people would feel in the same situation. THANK YOU!"



"My daughter received a lot of support and ‘tools in her toolbox’ in this group. She had experience of participating in a psychological support group before. In this group she was very motivated and inspired. Sharing her creativity was especially was particularly enjoyable. She received a lot of support and a sense of community.Now the child has become more open, can name her emotions and protect her boundaries at the right time. Thank you for your work. It is very valuable nowadays."



"Thank you very much for such an important and necessary thing in such a difficult time to support our little children. Thank you for creating a circle of trust for them, where they could be themselves and share all their worries and fears. Anya, special thanks to youthank you for your efforts, Olya, and many thanks to you as the founder and organiser of everything, you are doing an incredible job. I wish you all the best with your future projects."



"Thank you very much for the support group! It is very valuable, especially in this day and age. The child was looking forward to the lessons. I wish you strength, inspiration and patience. You have a super team and great results."



"Thank you! Support is important to all of us and our children! I am grateful that you start new projects and continue them despite everything."

Who leads the groups?


Marta Khymko

group lead


Charna Nataliia

group lead


Anna Bondareva

group lead


Daryna Venhlinska

group lead


Tetiana Koshel

group lead

How to enroll a child in a group?

To add a child to the group, please fill out the form below.